A list of resources in the field of environmental risk.
- Commission for Environmental Cooperation -The Commission for Environmental Cooperation addresses regional environmental concerns in North America, helps prevent potential trade and environmental conflicts, and promotes the effective enforcement of environmental law, all as part of its mandate under the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation.
- Environmental Risk Resources Association
ERRA is a not for profit corporation dedicated to helping its members utilize environmental insurance products to provide more valuable services to their customers. ERRA enhances the professional capabilities of its members through focused educational forums, knowledge management website, and access to specialized multi-disciplined resources in fields related to environmental risk management. - Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum
- Schnaph Environmental Law Center
- Environmental Law Net
- EnvironmentalLawyers.com Nationwide directory of Environmental lawyers where you can find a environmental lawyer by entering in your zip code. We also have environmental related news and legal topics.
- Fordham University “Great Environmental Links” – moved
- Findlaw – Environmental links organized alphabetically
- US EPA – data bases and software
- Illinois Bar Association – Environmental Resources – moved
- US EPA – laws and regulations
- Law Library Resource Exchange (LLRX.com) – Environmental Law on the Web
- Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy
- United Nations Environmental Programme in Geneva
- Hieros Gamos – mega site for searching environmental law sites
- Environmental Law Journals
- US EPA – Home Page
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